Monday, April 17, 2023

Marketing 101: 4 Digital Marketing Basics Everyone Needs To Know


Did you know that the advertising industry is over $100 billion?

Huge numbers like this are what drives plenty of people away from marketing. It sounds complex and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

But you do have to be good at marketing to make it work. And if you haven’t had any education on digital marketing before, strap in. We’re going to marketing school.

In this article, we’re going to break down the basics of digital marketing. After reading, you’ll be ready to pass your Marketing 101 exam.

Read on to learn more!

1. SEO

If you’ve ever looked into digital marketing, chances are that you’ve heard of SEO. Many people think the two terms are synonymous!

While they aren’t the same, SEO is one of the bigger parts of digital marketing. And many businesses are just now starting to learn what it is.

SEO is telling Google more about your website so that it ranks you higher when people look for information about your topic. This sounds complicated, but it’s actually quite easy.

You tell Google about yourself when you write content about your industry or use headlines with keywords in them. When you update your meta descriptions or title your photos, you’re giving Google valuable information.

With this information, Google learns what your website is about. That way, they know when to show people your site. If you write about interior design, Google will be more likely to rank you for interior design. 

Backlinks and Consistent Posting

This isn’t all that SEO is though. It’s also about getting backlinks, updating regularly, and more.

Backlinks, links on other sites that point back to your site, are one of the quickest ways to boost your SEO. This tells Google that you are a reliable source. It’s almost like a referral on a job interview.

Updating regularly tells Google that your information is contemporary. The last thing Google wants to do is send someone to a page that has outdated information. The more often you post on your blog, the more Google will see you as reliable.

SEO is complex though, and this short description was not enough to get you started. Make sure to learn more information about how you can start ranking first.

2. Influencers

How would you like to reach 10,000 or more potential buyers for a low fee?

It’s easy with influencers on social media. With thousands to millions of followers, you can be sure to reach a specific demographic with influencers.

For example, if you’re trying to reach a younger health community, you simply contact someone like an athlete or blogger who already interests them.

You send them your product and pay them to promote it, and voila! You have a few thousand potential leads.

If you’re a local store or don’t do eCommerce, you don’t have to feel left out. Micro influencers can be of help to you too. They have a local following that will let you advertise to people in your area at a much lower price than TV or radio ads.

Micro influencers can also be helpful when your product is for a niche audience. There aren’t many farming influencers, but if you find one, they can be quite valuable.

3. Social Media

Social media is another giant of digital marketing. If this isn’t part of your marketing game, it needs to be.


It’s free, and it’s easy. And most of all, it works. While it may take some time to build a following, social media can all but ensure that you grow your business.

But before you get started with social media, you need to make sure your target audience is there. Some platforms work better than others depending on your goals.

If your target audience is younger, chances are they are on Instagram. If they’re professionals, go to LinkedIn. Older? Facebook’s your best bet.

Many marketing pros make the mistake of trying to be on every platform. This means they often post the same thing on every social media channel, but what works on Facebook doesn’t always work on Instagram.

Instead, focus on one or two channels that your target audience is on. Becoming a jack of all trades should not be your goal with social media.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is arguably the lifeblood of all other types of digital marketing. No matter what you’re doing, this inbound marketing strategy can help.

In short, content marketing is creating content that your potential customers read r watch online. Whether it’s a video, infographic, or article, this content should give your consumers free yet valuable information.

This makes them feel like they care about your brand. And it also educates them about what you’re doing. When they come to your business again, they’ll know that you are an expert and will want to work with you.

Content marketing helps you with your social media and SEO strategies too. Instead of tweeting random thoughts, you can tweet articles and infographics you’ve created on your site.

And when you’re trying to improve your SEO, a weekly blog is the way to do it. This can work hand-in-hand with your content marketing strategy.
Ready to Graduate from Marketing 101?

Now that you’ve read this article, you should be ready to move on from marketing 101. Take these types of marketing and start promoting your business as much as you can.

Remember that there are more ways to do this, and some might work better for your business than others.

Want to learn more about how to utilize digital marketing? You’ll want to read our article on digital marketing trends.

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