Wednesday, August 30, 2023

How To Become An Influencer: 5 Easy Steps


Influencer marketing has become one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. Over the years, it has become a mainstream strategy that’s not limited to particular brands or agencies. Numerous major agencies have seen a steady rise in successful influencers. Hence, brands are leveraging this effective marketing strategy now more than ever. As a result, a lot of people, both popular and not, are trying to become influencers. If you are one of those aspiring to become an influencer, you can follow these 5 easy steps on how to become an influencer.

How To Become An Influencer: 5 Easy Steps

While various social media platforms have been around for a long time already, Instagram was one of the first social media channels that provided footing to influencers. Come 2013, Instagram introduced to the public its paid ads, and these paid ads compelled brands to collaborate with budding influencers to help sell and advertise their products and services to their target consumers. In return, influencers received a decent amount of pay.

In recent years, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok joined the roster of social media platforms for the best influencers. According to influencer marketing statistics, the influencer marketing field was predicted to grow to $16.4 billion in 2022 from $1.7 billion in 2016. Influencer marketing is taking over the digital marketing sphere and we don’t see it taking a back seat any time soon. So, if you want to take part in this billion-dollar marketing industry, knowing how to become an influencer would be a good first step.

Fortunately, you’ve just landed on the right page. We have curated different steps you can take on how to become an influencer and generate revenue out of it.

What Are The Steps On How To Become An Influencer?

If you want to become an effective social media influencer, you must be willing to invest your time and efforts. Learning how to become an influencer overnight is almost impossible, but you can start by following these 5 easy steps:

    1. Choose Your Niche

Before you can tread the path of social media influencers, you must first identify and choose your niche. In knowing how to become an influencer, you must also know what your niche is. You must identify the niche that you are most interested in and can consistently create engaging content about. On top of that, you must also possess a certain level of expertise in your chosen niche to establish your credibility as an influencer. To successfully fulfill the role of an influencer, you will have to research and post content after content in your chosen niche.

Hence, it is crucial that you choose something that you love to spend time on and are passionate about. Think about what activities or topics tickle your fancies the most, and from there, pick out your niche. It can be fashion, food, lifestyle, health, travel, beauty, crafts, parenting, interior designing, and so much more. If you really can’t decide because you have a lot of interests and expertise, you are allowed to choose a combination of two to three niches but don’t go too broad. It is even recommended that you combine closely-related niches, such as beauty and fashion, food and health, or lifestyle and travel. You call the shots here!

    2. Optimize Your Social Media Accounts

Once you have come up with your niche, the next thing you have to do is to choose your preferred social media platforms and optimize your profiles there. It is recommended that influencers focus their presence on at least one to two channels, so you can do this too. Most local and global influencers are famous on only one to two social media platforms; this makes it easier for them to increase their presence and gain traction.

Here are some of the ways you can optimize your social media profiles:

Write An Engaging Bio

Your profile’s bio is the first thing your followers see upon visiting your profile, and this is what makes it a crucial part of making a first impression that lasts. Your bio should be engaging as well as informative (as in, it should state at least your name and expertise).

Add The Best Profile Picture And Cover Photo

Two important components of becoming an influencer are your profile and cover photos. Your followers and potential ones will recognize your social media profiles through your profile picture, so it is imperative for you to choose the best photo. Your profile and cover photos should also be in HD to make them look professional.

Switch To A Business Account

A business social media account opens up more options and opportunities, making it the best account option for influencers. Switching to a business account is easy and shouldn’t take much time.

    3. Know Your Audience

Once you have identified your niche and optimized your social media accounts, the next crucial step to how to become an influencer is to know and understand your audience. Establish who your target audience will be from the beginning if you want to establish a loyal fan base. Influencers have an influence on and a strong connection with their audience for the very reason that they share similar interests.

To accomplish this step, you can start by analyzing your followers and discovering their interests and demographics. Most of today’s widely-used social media platforms have an in-house analytics tool that you can use to gain insights into your current audience. The downside to these built-in analytics tools is that they can be very limited in nature. Hence, it will be helpful to use third-party social media management and analytics tools.

Check out this BuzzSumo review and Modash review as these are two of the best social media management tools that you can use.

    4. Consistently Create And Post Engaging Content

An influencer is all about creating and posting relevant and engaging content on their social media accounts. Influencers with millions of followers have this amount of follower count base because they post content that is useful and relevant to their followers. The more you are able to inform, help, and engage with your followers, the more they will listen to your opinions and recommendations.

Make sure to have plenty of content strategies in your arsenal to accommodate future and different brand collaborations. The best content is authentic, relatable, and consistent. Aside from planning for your content, you should also come to terms with the schedule and frequency of your posts. Knowing how to become influencer on Instagram requires you to take note of this: Instagram’s algorithm requires users to post regularly for increased visibility.

You can make use of statistical data to identify the best posting schedule and frequency for your target audience. To engage your target audience even more, find out when they are most active on social media and make sure to schedule your posts during that time.

    5. Engage With Your Audience

Whether you are learning how to become an influencer over 50 years old or younger, one fact remains constant: you need to be adept at engaging with your audience. Today’s audience cares so little about the influencer’s age or gender; they will follow as long as they find you relatable, credible, and engaging. Your loyal audience is what keeps you going. Once you start posting content on your social media accounts, you will often receive likes and comments. Therefore, you need to engage and connect with your audience.

Your followers, particularly the most loyal ones, will be thrilled when they see you responding or reacting to their comments. In turn, they will become more loyal and your follower count will possibly increase.

Aside from liking or responding to comments, you can also engage with your followers by throwing them a question and starting a conversation based on that question. This kind of interaction and engagement can foster a personal and solid relationship with your followers.

What Skills Must An Influencer Possess?

Influencers must possess a specific set of skills that can help them build a strong foundation and loyal community of avid viewers and followers. If you want to learn how to become an influencer, you must also learn to build these skills over time.

Content Creation

Without being skilled in content creation, you can hardly become an influencer. The art of creating engaging content needs creativity to lure new and sustain old followers, as well as intuition in knowing when what, and how to post that content. So, in learning how to become an influencer, you must also learn how to create engaging content.


Content creation requires you to excrete your creative juices and let them flow into your work. Your followers will crave different, refreshing, and out-of-the-box content, but you can never do this without creativity. Your followers will likely engage with your content if they find it engaging and refreshing. Hence, you must put your creative self at an all-time high.

Search Engine Optimization

Influencers always strive to increase the views on their content and scale their visibility (who wouldn’t, right?). The best way to do this is through a strategically done search engine optimization or SEO plan.

Here Are A Few Things To Go Run Through For Your SEO Plan:

Exploring the most-used keywords

Optimizing your social media profiles through search engine scanning

Utilizing a user-friendly and intuitive layout

Posting unique, quality, and engaging content

Is It Hard To Be An Influencer?

As mentioned, becoming an influencer takes time, effort, and sometimes money. So, yes. It is hard to be an influencer. If you want to become an influencer, you must work persistently and diligently in creating the best content that your followers will love to consume. Not only that, but influencers also exert effort to build a strong follower base because you can’t be called an influencer unless you reach a particular number of followers. How many followers should you have to be an influencer? At least 10,000, and that figure can’t be earned without hard work.

Who Is The Biggest Influencer Today?

There isn’t a single answer to this question because there are hundreds to thousands of influencers across the world. However, the biggest influencer in terms of follower count is the ever-famous soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo. As of this writing, Cristiano Ronaldo has over 540 million followers on Instagram.

Aside from Cristiano Ronaldo, there are other popular and widely-followed influencers in different niches. You can head over to their Instagram or other social media accounts and discover more about their niche and personality.

Is Becoming An Influencer The Best Career Option?

Contrary to what most people think, becoming an influencer is a good career option that requires persistence and effort, particularly if you want to succeed. It isn’t just about having fun all the time, recording the fun times on video, and posting that video on social media; an influencer’s work requires more than that. It is actual work in the digital marketing sphere, so if you want to make a living out of being an influencer, you must primarily get a comprehensive grasp of what digital marketing is, including the ins and outs.

Based on where we are headed in terms of marketing and advertising, becoming an influencer might just be one of the best career options for you. You just have to put in the work in learning how to become an influencer and in applying what you have learned!

If you want to learn how to become an influencer on Facebook, this article on How to Become an Influencer on Facebook Without Breaking the Bank might be helpful for you.

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Sunday, August 27, 2023

What Is Internet Or Online Marketing?


Most of us probably consider ourselves rather well informed on the subject of internet marketing, which is also known as online marketing, web marketing, i-marketing, or e-marketing. After all, we browse the internet, do some blogging, communicate in social media sites, and also see how online advertisers are trying to persuade us to buy. While most people probably do understand what internet marketing is, the word itself has often been misunderstood and used loosely even by those in the internet marketing field.

When a blogger speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about blogging. When an affiliate marketer speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about selling. When an online network marketer speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about recruiting and prospecting. Each of these people is talking about one part of the total internet marketing structure.

So What Really Is Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing is a total system of interacting web business activities designed to plan the product, price, promotion, and how to distribute the want-satisfying products and services to present and potential customers.

Product (Is your product: innovative - truly unique, adaptive - replacement of existing product, or imitative - new to your company but not new to the internet marketplace. Branding and packaging do influence products),

Price (How much do you think I can get for this item? If the price of the product is too high or too low, it may have positive or negative effect on the company's internet marketing campaigns),

Promoting your business online is to persuade internet users to accept, resell, recommend, or use the product, service, or act favorably upon the idea being promoted, and

Distribute or Place (Since your product is now ready for its market, you need to establish distribution strategies, including selecting channels of distribution).

Most internet marketers define internet marketing as the advertising of products and services on the internet. This narrow definition reflects the sales and selling orientation which has permeated so much of online business. Advertising on the internet is one part of online promotion (others include online personal selling, online sales promotion, and online publicity), and online promotion is one part of the total internet marketing program. It should be noted particularly that "online promotion" and "online sales promotion" are different. Online marketing is not any one activity, nor is it exactly the sum of several; rather, it is the result of the interaction of many activities such design, development, online advertising, and online sales.

However, we need to also recognize that i-marketing has other dimensions far broader than our definition. In the design aspect of internet marketing, your web site is very important. It is where the traffic will be directed to and also where most of the sales will come from. So you need to have a uniquely designed web site that is well structured, search engine optimized with the right keywords and description, contents and graphic rich, and has the marketing elements to improve your visitors' conversion ratio.

In the development aspect, the product planning is very important. You need to plan on developing or getting the right product or service to the internet marketplace, and at the right price. Will your product be sold through affiliate marketing, network marketing, directly to consumers, or directly to other businesses (B2B)? There are many other online business models you can develop based on the specific needs of each person or business when launching your web marketing campaign.

Your online advertising aspect is also one part of the total online marketing program. There are several online media you can use to create brand awareness about your product, service, idea, or company.

In the online sales aspect of your online marketing campaign, you will need to plan how your goods or services will be distributed to your customers, how payments will be processed (is it through PayPal, liberty reserve, or other merchant accounts?), and how sales can be increased.

Jerry Ihejirika is a professional and experienced Internet Networker Marketer and Entrepreneur.

He is the Founder of Travel and Cash Club; a group of smart entrepreneurs who work at home and make a lot of money in travel. To know more about Travel and Cash Club, visit: []

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Monday, August 21, 2023

Conducting A Comprehensive Marketing Audit: A Step-By-Step Guide


Conducting a comprehensive Marketing Audit is essential in assessing the effectiveness of your current marketing efforts and identifying areas for improvement. A Marketing Audit is a systematic examination of your marketing strategies, tactics, and processes to determine their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

By conducting a Marketing Audit, you can gain a better understanding of your target audience, competitors, and the industry as a whole, which will help you develop a more effective marketing plan.

We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a comprehensive Marketing Audit, including key areas to focus on and tools to use. By following this guide, you will be able to evaluate your current marketing efforts and make informed decisions to drive business growth and success.

What Is A Marketing Audit?

A Marketing Audit is a vital process for any business looking to improve their marketing strategies and increase their overall ROI. It is a comprehensive examination of all elements of a company's marketing efforts and is designed to identify areas of improvement, opportunities, and potential threats.

By conducting a marketing audit, businesses can gain valuable insights into how their marketing efforts are impacting their bottom line and make data-driven decisions to improve their performance. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a comprehensive marketing audit.

We'll cover everything from identifying the right tools and resources to analyzing your data and creating a plan of action. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively evaluate and improve your marketing efforts.

The Step-By-Step Guide To Conducting A Content Audit

Whether you're new to the world of marketing or an experienced professional, it's important to keep a close eye on the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy. And one of the best ways to do that is by conducting a content audit.

Marketing Audit is the process of reviewing and analyzing all of the content on your website or social media channels to identify areas for improvement. By conducting a content audit, you'll be able to identify what's working well, what's not, and what you need to do to improve your content marketing efforts. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of conducting a content audit and cover the following key points:

Step 1: Identify Your Goals And Objectives:

The first step in conducting a marketing audit is to clearly define your goals and objectives. What are you hoping to achieve with your audit? Are you looking to improve your overall ROI, increase brand awareness, or expand your customer base? Identifying your goals and objectives will help you focus your audit and ensure that you're gathering the right data to meet your objectives.

Step 2: Gather Data:

Once you've identified your goals and objectives, the next step is to gather the data you'll need to analyze. This can include metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and conversion rates. It's important to note that data collection should include both quantitative and qualitative data, as both can provide valuable insights into your marketing efforts.

Step 3: Analyze Your Data:

Once you've gathered your data, the next step is to analyze it. This is where you'll start to identify areas of improvement, opportunities, and potential threats. For example, if your website traffic is low, but your social media engagement is high, you may want to focus on improving your website's SEO or content. By identifying patterns and trends in your data, you'll be able to make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing efforts.

Step 4: Create A Plan Of Action:

Creating a plan of action is essential for any business, and the first step in this process is to conduct a marketing audit. A marketing audit is a comprehensive review of your current marketing efforts and strategies, allowing you to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth.

By analyzing data such as customer demographics, marketing campaigns, and performance metrics, you can gain a clear understanding of what is working and what is not. From there, you can create a plan of action that addresses any issues and sets you up for success in the future.


Conducting a comprehensive marketing audit is a vital step in the process of improving your content marketing efforts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to identify areas for improvement, track key metrics, and implement a plan of action to achieve your goals.

Whether you're new to the world of marketing or an experienced professional, this guide will provide you with a solid foundation for conducting a marketing audit and making data-driven decisions to improve your content marketing strategy.

Remember to keep track of your progress, adjust your strategy and keep an open mind for constant improvement. With a thorough marketing audit, you'll be able to create content that resonates with your audience, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

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Friday, August 18, 2023

Unleashing The Power Of Connection: The Human Touch In Marketing


In an era dominated by digital platforms and automated processes, it's easy to forget the essence of marketing lies in the human touch. Behind every purchase decision and brand loyalty, there is a human being craving authentic connections. While technology continues to revolutionize the marketing landscape, the true power lies in harnessing the human element. In this article, we delve into the significance of incorporating a human

The Age Of Empathy:

In a world increasingly overwhelmed by information overload, people yearn for genuine connections. Empathy becomes the catalyst for creating meaningful relationships with customers. By understanding their needs, desires, and pain points, marketers can craft tailored experiences that resonate deeply. From personalized email campaigns to customized content, the ability to empathize allows us to reach customers on a human level, fostering trust and loyalty.

Storytelling: Igniting Emotions:

Behind every successful marketing campaign lies a compelling story. Storytelling has an innate ability to evoke emotions, creating a bond between brands and their audience. By sharing authentic narratives, brands can transcend the transactional and forge lasting connections. Stories that touch on human experiences, triumphs, and challenges not only capture attention but also inspire action. When customers see themselves reflected in a brand's story, they become more invested in its success.

Authenticity: The True Currency:

In an age of rampant advertising, authenticity is the currency that separates brands from the noise. Customers are increasingly skeptical of polished marketing campaigns and demand transparency. By embracing vulnerability, admitting mistakes, and showcasing genuine values, brands can build trust and credibility. Authenticity enables customers to see the people behind the brand, fostering a sense of loyalty and advocacy.

Engaging With Purpose:

Marketing goes beyond mere promotion; it should engage customers on a meaningful level. By aligning marketing efforts with social causes and initiatives, brands can create a sense of purpose. Customers are drawn to brands that actively participate in making the world a better place. Whether it's supporting environmental sustainability or championing social justice, brands that engage with purpose tap into the inherent desire for human connection and make a positive impact.

Customer-Centric Approach:

In the pursuit of numbers and metrics, it's easy to lose sight of the people behind the data. A customer-centric approach ensures that marketing efforts revolve around meeting their needs and desires. By actively listening, gathering feedback, and adapting strategies accordingly, brands demonstrate their commitment to the customer. Building lasting relationships requires a focus on delivering value and providing exceptional experiences that go beyond the transaction.

In an ever-evolving marketing landscape, it's crucial to remember that behind every click, like, or purchase is a human being seeking genuine connections. By incorporating empathy, storytelling, authenticity, purpose, and a customer-centric approach, marketers can harness the power of the human touch. In doing so, they not only create meaningful relationships with customers but also shape a brand that resonates on a deeper level. In this age of technology, the human touch is what sets brands apart, creating experiences that leave a lasting impact on hearts and minds.

Anas . A . Al Hraki

A writer and training expert specializing in entrepreneurship, modern marketing and preparing trainers

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Viral Marketing Methods And Applications


Viral ... It sounds like ... you want to avoid like the plague. But it’s really ... you and your business need to catch now.If you’re not yet familiar with the term “viral ...

Viral marketing. It sounds like something you want to avoid like the plague. But it’s really something you and your business need to catch now.

If you’re not yet familiar with the term “viral marketing” let me give you a basic definition. Viral marketing is simply a strategy that encourages individuals to “willingly” pass on a marketing message to others. It takes advantage of rapid multiplication to explode your marketing message to thousands or millions of people.

A viral marketing virus acts similar to a biological virus. But,Guest Posting the big difference between a viral marketing virus and a cold or flu virus is that people willingly pass the marketing message on. Not too many people really want to share their cold with others, but they’ll be more than happy to spread your “digital virus”. And when they spread it, they can spread it much farther than a biological virus. Your message can spread around the world in a matter of hours.

To Summarize The Benefits Of Viral Marketing:

1. It’s cheap. You can create your own viral marketing message in the form of an e-book or video and then it costs you little or nothing to get the message out.

2. You can reach a huge audience. There is no other way your message can spread so quickly to a large audience for so little cost than with viral marketing. And the best part is that people are passing your message to their friends and associates so you get an implied endorsement from them.

3. You can build your reputation. If you create good, quality information that’s being passed around, you can quickly be recognized as a expert. And when you have the reputation as being an expert in your field, you sell more products. You “build your brand” faster with viral marketing.

4. You can combine it with other marketing methods. This is a method you absolutely should be using with your email marketing and affiliate programs. Email is still the most effective way of spreading your virus. You can also use it with off-line advertising such as direct mail, classified advertising, or display advertising to drive people online.

5. You can sell products other than your original target product. You may create a viral message to sell one product but find out that your potential customer is interested in another of your products instead.

6. Viral marketing tools are easy to develop. There are easy ways to create e-books even if can’t write (or think you can’t). There are also easy tools to create viral marketing videos. It doesn’t take a big budget or a lot of talent to create a viral marketing virus.

These are the major benefits of viral marketing. When you use it you may find others that are unique to your business.

The concept of viral marketing really isn’t new. Off the Internet it is essentially any form of "word-of-mouth" advertising. It also works similar to "network marketing." However, just like all things Internet, it can’t have a normal name. Before the Internet who would have imagined naming a company something like Yahoo! or Google? Or how about using words like “spam” other than for an unidentifiable meat product. Regardless of how it sounds, the term viral marketing is the perfect descriptor of this Internet marketing method.

Just exactly how viral marketing on the Internet started could be somewhat of a debate. Where it became the most effective moneymaker is probably not so debatable.

Likely the first effective use of viral marketing was with the free e-mail service Hotmail, which is now owned by Microsoft. Hotmail was started by two guys named Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith, who were upset that they couldn’t use their employer’s email system to send email to their friends.

After they started the e-mail service, word of the e-mail service spread like wildfire and they had over 22 million subscribers within 24 months. Microsoft later bought Hotmail for around $400 million dollars.

Why did the news of Hotmail spread so fast? Simply because they gave away free e-mail addresses and services and at the bottom of every email sent was a tag that said: "Get your private, free email at".

Everyone who opened an email saw it. And when they passed on the email to their friends or associates they saw it too. So a single email could multiply and spread just like a virus. It turned into a “Viral Marketing Pyramid.”

When your viral message gets passed to someone, they become a “Host” for your virus. Then they become a “sneezer.” When they “sneeze” (send out your message), they spread the virus. For viral marketing sneezing is a good thing. The more people you have spreading your virus the better.

Of course we can’t all hope for the same success as experienced by Hotmail. But you can still be wildly successful even if your marketing message spreads to only a tiny fraction of the number of people Hotmail’s did. To be successful, however, your viral marketing campaign should contain the following elements.

Elements Of A Successful Viral Marketing Campaign

1. Offer something for free

Hotmail was such a huge success because it gave away something for free. No matter how much exposure people have to the word “free,” it still holds tremendous power. Although, you don’t have to use the word free in your campaign if it’s well implied.

Take for example a couple of videos that were done by a company called Jib Jab Media ( They created a video called “This Land” which was a satirical look into the 2004 presidential election race between President George Bush and Democratic presidential contender John Kerry. This video spread like wildfire across the Internet and created instant recognition for Jib Jab. It was so popular that Jay Leno of The Tonight Show commissioned Jib Jab to do a second one called “Good To Be In DC.”

In a lot of cases, viral marketing is all about delayed gratification. A successful campaign may not bring you immediate profit, but it sets the stage for future profits either through email addresses collected, advertising revenues, or sales of other products.

2. Make it easy for people to spread your message

Do you remember a time when you had a cold or flu and one of your family members caught it? You didn’t have to work too hard to give it to them did you?

It shouldn’t be much harder for people to spread your viral marketing message either. Viral marketing only works if passing along the virus is near effortless. In the case of Hotmail it was the short and concise message at the bottom of an email that said, "Get your private, free email at". People didn’t have to do anything they weren’t already going to do to spread this message. For Jib Jab, people just had to send a website address…a little more effort required, but nothing too strenuous.

You can do simple things like add a “Tell-A-Friend” button on your web site, including a catchy display ad graphic at the bottom of an email, starting an affiliate program to have other people sell your products, or do what Hotmail did with the simple message. The benefit of pointing people to a web site address is that you get more traffic to your web site, which has a very positive impact on search engine performance. With all the traffic you get to your website you get increased link popularity so your web site is more likely to rank higher in the free search engine searches.

To spread your message faster and farther in the easiest way possible, viral marketing combines extremely effectively with affiliate marketing. In case you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing, it’s simply a way to get other people to sell your product and you just give them a cut of the sale. You just provide your viral marketing tools to your affiliates and let them spread the message from their web sites. The easier you make it for your affiliates, the faster and farther your message will spread.

3. Make sure your servers can handle a “viral overload”

Just in case your viral message is extremely successful, you want to make sure your Internet hosting service can handle the load. Jib Jab received over 10 million hits in one month, which brought their hosting service to its knees. You don’t want your virus to spread so fast that it kills the host.

You also need to check on whether or not there would be any charge for a sudden increase in traffic to your web site. If your hosting service is going to send you a big bill, you need to consider that in the costs of your campaign.

Getting Your Sales Message To The Target Audience

One downside of viral marketing is that while you can drive a lot of people to see your message, not everyone is going to be interested in what you’re selling. This is why you need to tailor your message specifically to your target market. You really don’t want to drive a bunch of extra traffic to on your servers if it isn’t going to do any good (see number three above about viral overload).

Your viral marketing message should be carefully crafted from your main sales message.
The same people who would take an interest in your viral marketing message should also be interested in your sales message.

Be sure the transition from your viral marketing message to your sales message on your web site is a smooth one. You need to make sure that once a potential customer gets to your sales message that it does its job. Does your sales message convey the core benefits of your product? Is your message substantial enough to have an impact on the reader/listener/viewer?

If your potential customer doesn’t get excited about your product, then your viral message may have been wasted. Unless, perhaps, you have another product they do get excited about. If the customer does get excited about your product but your ordering system doesn’t work, you’ve also wasted your effort. This is why you want to make sure your product, sales message, and web site (including ordering systems) are working and effective before you start your viral marketing campaign.

Only when all pieces of your overall product, marketing, sales, and support systems are working well can your viral marketing campaign be a success. If all of these are working in harmony, then your bank account will also be happy.

Track The Results Of Your Campaign

Just like with any other marketing campaign, you want to know how well your viral marketing is working. You can take steps to isolate your viral marketing campaign respondents from others. One way to do this would be to set up a different landing page (entry page into your site) for your viral marketing respondents and then use software tools to measure how many people are coming in to that page. You could even set up a completely different web site. You’ll also need a different order page so you can track your conversion rate (how many people who come to your landing page actually buy). Then you can compare your original customer orders with your viral marketing orders to see which ones are better performers.

Do It Over and Over

From now on, you should have an element of viral marketing in every email you sent out. Every one of your web sites should have a Tell-A-Friend script. You should continually create free e-books, articles, and reports that you allow people to pass around.

Make all your marketing campaigns viral in some aspect. Check out the example below of a way you can quickly and easily create viral marketing videos.

Viral Marketing Example

Let’s look at an example of how you can put viral marketing into practice. Say you have a sales letter-type web site that is selling a single product (sales letter web sites are the best way to sell a single product).

The web site at is a perfect example of using this technique.

1. First you bring targeted traffic to your new web site through pay-per-clicks or other search engine techniques. Or you can send an email to your distribution list if you have one. You can either advertise your site directly in your email or use a graphic display ad at the end of the email similar to the way Yahoo! does it with their free email.

2. Place a link to a webpage on your site that has a video people can view. The video needs to be something related to your product. Perhaps it’s a demo or just something really entertaining that relates to your product.

3. You’ll place a link at the end of the video pointing to a Tell-A-Friend page on your web site. You’ll create the video so at the end of the video a webpage with a Tell-A-Friend script pops up that easily enables people to send the link to the video they just watched to five or more of their friends. After they send the email to their friends then you’ll have the Tell-A-Friend script pop up your home page again.

4. Now when the friends get the email they are taken directly to your video (not your home page). Once they watch the video they can send the web address of the video to their friends. Of course the Tell-A-Friend script sends them to your home page.

5. In case someone doesn’t want to send an email to their friends, you’ll place a button on your Tell-A-Friend script that says “Click to Close This Page.” This button takes them directly to your web site. You could also create a pop-up on exit page that takes them to your web site if they don’t click the “Click to Close This Page” button or send an email to a friend. So regardless they would be taken to your home page.

6. You’ll also set up an affiliate program so others can sell your product for you. You need to set up an affiliate web page that lets your affiliates download your video to place on their web sites. Of course, at the end of the video it redirects the viewer to your web site. You’ll need a way that your affiliate can change the “redirect” web address in the video so it contains their affiliate identification number. Then when the video sends traffic to your home page they get credit for any sales that result. You’ll want to make sure they can’t change the entire address since you want the traffic sent to your site. A product like ViralVideo at will enable you to set this up.

Once you implement viral marketing in your business, you’ll wonder how you got along without it. It’s a marketing method that most marketers really don’t understand or use very well yet. You now have a better understanding than most of your competition so you have an edge. With that edge you can propel your business to greater heights than you ever imagined possible.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

6 Reasons Why Social Media Calendar Is Must For Every Brand


Nowadays, social media is the new digital town square where people and companies from all over the world congregate to share ideas and express their thoughts. Social media has tremendous potential for interaction and growth; this is a golden chance that should not be passed up. However, the content frequently overwhelms even the most seasoned business managers.

A well-planned social media calendar helps you and your company correctly schedule content in this situation and guarantees that your brand will stand out in any constantly growing social media field.

What Is A Social Media Calendar?

To start, a social media calendar is a pre-planned schedule that helps brand managers and digital agencies in Gwalior organize and coordinate their social media content with their overall marketing objectives. Even though it may appear to be just another item on the to-do list, we assure you it is worth more.

6 Reasons Why Social Media Calendar Is Important

You already have a lot of responsibilities as a business owner, right? Maintaining a positive brand image while overseeing other operational chores is difficult.

Implementing a well-planned calendar will help you stay organized and prevent mistakes in social media. Here are six justifications for why your company needs a social media content calendar:

    1. Optimize Your Time

Using a social media calendar allows you to schedule material ahead of time, save time and lessen the stress associated with creating content at the last minute. 

You can schedule posts for a week or a month, which will free up more time for you to work on other facets of your business, like interacting with your audience or examining performance analytics. Additionally, you can speed up your processes and reduce the time needed for publication and content production.

    2. Content Planning And Organization

Using a content calendar, you can stay organized and consistent with all the pre-planned material you produce in advance. It gives you a clear plan for the type of content you'll publish and how to maintain regular posting schedules and user engagements across all platforms.

Consistency is vital to unlocking and establishing a strong brand presence on social media, and a content calendar will help you keep your voice, tone, and style constant across all your channels.

If your goal is to build a strong brand identification, it might be wise to work with the best social media marketing company in Gwalior to develop a thorough social media content plan. Utilizing their knowledge will help you take your company to new heights of achievement. 

    3. Enables You To Meet Deadlines Quickly

A content schedule is useful for interacting with your fans and spreading the word about your brand. With the help of this tool, you can stay on top of the most crucial days and hours for posting worthwhile material or joining in on the hottest trends.

You may easily schedule time-sensitive content for your business profiles using one of the various scheduling solutions available today. By maximizing your marketing initiatives, you can connect with potential customers and prospects across various channels, assuring a greater audience reach, greater visibility, and, eventually more sales.

    4. Stay Up-To-Date & Relevant

Social media is rapidly evolving at this point. In the blink of an eye, what seems modern today is no longer relevant. You could occasionally fall behind or miss out on following the most recent trends. A social media calendar can assist you in being current and in adjusting to fast-evolving user preferences and trends. Your content can stay current and interesting by utilizing the newest trends, content formats, and features like Twitter Spaces, polls, etc.

    5. Create Quality Content

Basic posts are no longer acceptable; instead, experts are committed to making each post count. A social media calendar is crucial for ensuring your team can do their best work. If you manage resources well, you'll be free to concentrate on quality, uphold brand consistency, and align with your vision. This strategy enables team members to each contribute their best work and, over time, create engaging content.

    6. Aim To Reduce Oversights & Errors

Errors cannot be tolerated. You may avoid mistakes by creating a well-planned calendar. Planning your content allows you to proofread, reference, and evaluate images and links before publishing. Additionally, you may schedule, prepare, and create the next posts in advance, which will help you double-check for errors.

Join forces with Ninja digital solutions, Gwalior’s top digital media marketing services supplier, to avoid making expensive blunders. With the appropriate plan and resources catered to your particular requirements, our team of specialists can assist in making your marketing efforts simpler.


Effective social media marketing requires consistency, strategy, and a well-planned social media calendar, much as Rome wasn't built in a day. We recognize the value of a disciplined approach to social media marketing at Ninaj digital solutions, a top social media marketing company in Gwalior.

We are specialists at creating social media calendars that complement your company's goals and produce the greatest engagement and impact. As a result, contact Ninja digital solutions if you want to establish a strong social media presence. For questions or additional details, get in touch with us right away.

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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Why Content Is Called The King In Digital Marketing Practices


Words are powerful and this seems to be truer than ever before. It can influence thoughts and so written words are optimally used to achieve marketing goals. One of the important tools of successful digital marketing is content creation. For quite a long time now, more and more companies have been relying on content for maximum impact. So, you must create a blog or article, and make it SEO compatible for selling, branding, and communicating with your audience and the market at large.

How Can Content Open The Floodgates Of Revenue For Your Business

The market is unapologetically competitive and the key to success varies from time to time. However, among all the chaos and uncertainty there is one element that you can trust and remains unchanged for ages is the power of written words. “Words are mightier than a sword;” truly it is! SEO friendly content lies at the core of successful digital marketing. Here are some interesting ways in which content empowers your digital marketing efforts and branding. 

Focused messages: There are millions of content over the internet but not all can make to the readers. This is particularly because readers don’t find it interesting. Most of the content goes unread because readers don’t look for it. SEO article writing is done with chosen keywords which makes the content more relevant to readers’ requirements. The messages delivered through it are focused to either provide the required information, resolve an issue or anything that readers find useful.

Information on demand: A number of tools are used to find out popular searches. This gives a clear idea to the writer to find out what the audiences want to know or are looking for. You can thus create a blog which presents the required information and promotes your products through it.

Perennial relationship with audience: Carefully planned SEO friendly content is instrumental in establishing a relationship of trust and confidence with your customers. It also goes a long way in making it a long-term relationship.

Brand establishment and awareness: In order to bring your brand to the notice of the market, it needs to be written about. The purpose of content creation in digital marketing is to make people take note of your brand with the help of SEO friendly content. It is highly effective for brand establishment and awareness.

Increase online traffic: Keywords make the difference. SEO compatible content is created which match with the popular search results and thus divert a significant traffic to your brand website or other social media platforms.

Creates a loyal consumer database: Content is created for different purposes – for selling, communicating to your consumers, resolving their queries, convey information and more. Content responds to the needs and requirement of customers from time to time and like this, it wins their loyalty. This goes a long way in creating a loyal consumer database.

Customer retention: The relationship between a customer and a brand goes through a number of stages. After considerable time customers may consider other brands or may have complaints. Content is used to deal with such a crisis by communicating strategized messages to modify their views about your brand. This goes a long way in retaining customers. 

“Content is king” and you have every reason to believe this. An SEO friendly content is used for the different channels of digital marketing; content is at its core. So when aiming for an independent and rewarding venture, make sure to invest in effective content creation. 

The quote “content is king” is originally from an essay Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote in 1996. In it, he describes the future of the Internet as a marketplace for content. The phrase “content is king” is not new, but because of the increased focus on content marketing strategies, the quote is used very often. -

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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Reasons Why Videos Are Becoming Essential Tools For Online Marketing


Internet marketing is a new age of marketing with the introduction of the Web and progressive innovations. It must not be a shock that more companies today are engaging, vibrant internet marketing methods to increase market presence and sales for much better profits and market exposure.

As innovation advances, online video marketing is creating a huge hit among online company promos as web customer habits modifications to like visual marketing methods over conventional text-based alternatives. A bigger viewership drives more companies to delight in video marketing to protect more traffic to their sites.

Appeal In Video Marketing

As more web customers like videos in any marketing promo, more company owner and online marketers are getting the characteristics and devices of video marketing begins to woo possible company leads. YouTube alone possesses billions of audiences around the world with countless videos in a myriad of classifications that would please all kinds of possible company leads.

It was forecast by market leaders and professionals that video marketing would advance its rampage these days to draw in more customers quickly. Brands and companies that are sluggish in engaging video marketing would be at threat of losing market share rapidly. Videos are positioned to control company marketing techniques now as the value of video marketing ends up being more apparent with clearer profitable results.

Videos in any internet marketing project are vibrant in discussion, design and outcomes. Visual discussions are more reliable on sales pitches than white documents and text-based discussions from e-mail blog or article marketing procedures. When time is needed to take in the details and check out, even crucial material might be misread and avoided.

Videos are ideal to communicate company promos to audiences, particularly if the videos are well produced to be enjoyable, interesting and amusing. Audiences would not be avoiding vital points of business or brand with a video that plays through from begin to completion prior to a vibrant call to action choice is shown for audience's action. When audiences decide in as mailing list customers for the brand or company, strong connections might be developed in between online marketers and video audiences.

Engaging Videos For Lead Generation

In order to delight in the vibrant arise from video marketing techniques and projects, it is important to produce engaging videos that would draw in more interest from all strolls of customers who are to be transformed as company consumers. Engaging videos promoting business or brand provide fantastic company chances in constructing long lasting and strong client relationships to broaden business in the market.

Among the vital objectives in developing promotion company videos is to guarantee an appropriate dissemination of crucial marketing details on the brand or company that would persuade video audiences of the characteristics of business items showed on the video. A well produced company promotion video might go viral to affect a lot more audience besides the targeted specific niche markets in broadening the marketplace presence of the brand and company.

Greater numbers would be the outcome of engaging videos that go viral to trigger higher market interest that results in greater earnings and sales.

Making Dynamic Promotion Videos

Every video that is produced by online marketers or company owner is intending to connect to a broader market audience that would enhance the marketplace presence and sales of the brand and company. Online marketers and company owners need to choose the ideal ropes in producing videos that would shed the finest light on their brand and company operations and offers.

It is easy to produce a vibrant video today with the myriad of affordable and flexible devices in the market. As soon as the goal of the video is related to the pertinent, target market in focus, the video might be produced rapidly utilizing basic devices. The video has to consist of appropriate contents to targeted audiences who agree to take a look at the video for advantages.

The video needs to be amusing and intriguing with the style in clearer focus to prevent a diversion that would trigger unfruitfulness to the marketing project. Any subject might be picked in producing a video making use of numerous designs and modes of discussion, however the hidden style of promoting the brand or company offers need to be adhered with a call-to-action choice for audiences making an opt-in or purchase choice after seeing.

Producing a vibrant company promotion video is not challenging in basic, some online marketers or company owners might choose to work with expert aid in its development to make sure professionalism and success. The marketplace provides lots of video producing experts at sensible costs that would fit the spending plan of even little marketing business.

Essential Internet Marketing Tool

It is not unexpected then that videos have actually ended up being important internet marketing devices for online marketers and entrepreneur to produce more possible leads and clients. With the lower expense of innovative innovations, less expensive memory and greater digital loading speeds are stimulating using online videos as a reliable Online marketing device in producing high traffic volumes that would transform to more sales.

Strategic online videos are able to create more traffic as the video is quickly shared throughout the world with a click of the button to go viral. Little and even brand-new companies are accepting video marketing with rewarding low expense production devices readily available to produce a vibrant video that promotes their brand and items easily.


Every progressive innovation causes amazing innovative electronic devices and advanced marketing options that thrill not just web customers however likewise online marketers and entrepreneur. Videos are vibrant marketing devices which are ending up being popular among modern-day online marketers to create greater volumes of traffic for the site.

It is anticipated that vibrant discount videos would rank greater in popular internet search engine SERP's when amusing and interesting videos are produced to please customer requirements. Video audiences are most likely to take the call-to-action alternative by online marketers to support the brand or company through sales and employment.

About the Author: Steve Brown is a champion of small business, entrepreneurial endeavors, and the vibrant American freelance workforce of today's world. He is Founder, CEO, and Chief Inspirational Officer (CIO) of 4 cutting edge companies.

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